Tuesday, March 11, 2008

On Laziness
One of the problems (among many) in working third shift is that your schedule basically defies all reason. A typical conversation with my body starts along these lines:

Me: Ok body, it's time to work. Good thing we slept during the day and are currently drinking coffee!
Body: No! I defy you!
Me: >Klunk! Snerk!< style="font-style: italic;">DID YOU JUST PUT ME TO SLEEP?!
Body: Nya ha ha!

It is always difficult getting used to a new schedule - however I've been doing this particular line of work for 5 years, and I would think by now the massive infusions of caffine and coffee would have eroded my sleep nudules or slumber nodes altogether. Alas, my inner workings seem unaffected by my futile attempts to tame my sleep.

In any case, I'm trying to get more sketchwork done. It's a frustrating thing, to have ambition, only for it to get sapped by something as unavoidable sleep. As an artist this is something I must overcome, and I believe once I find a proper occupation I'll have less of this.

Also! When you put more than 2 packets of Equal into a cup of coffee, something terrible happens. You know how sugar always makes things better? Well more and more equal only makes things WORSE. I was shocked and appalled.